Some days ago we said sorry to our users via our Facebook site. Since not all of you use FB, let’s use our blog to apologize for all the bugs we are experiencing since our last week’s release…

Watch our apology in Facebook.
Here you have the text, in case you have problems to view the image:
We just found out which of our developers caused some critical bugs in the latest release of Mobincube 2 days ago. That bug made our users unable to edit their apps, causing too much trouble on their daily work.
We the Mobincube team are really sorry and want to compensate our users for that, giving them the chance to decide the future of our developer.
Please click on “Don’t Like” if you think that we should fire that person. Or click on “Like” if you think that he is a good guy who just made some mistake, because he is a human being, and he is doing a great job in Mobincube anyway, so he should keep the job. The more likes we receive, the more beloved our developer will feel.
Anyway, we feel sorry everytime bugs appear and we really want to apologize for the problems they cause to our users. They happen because we are always trying to improve our App builder in order to offer you a great tool for building your own apps.