Free enterprise CleverTap for Mobincube publishers

It’s been a year of flirting with CleverTap and now it’s time to take our relationship to a higher level. During this year, we both have wanted to let Mobincube’s publishers try CleverTap and realize how cool it is and how it can help them increase their end-user engagement.
In case you didn’t know, CleverTap is the best tool to know and understand your app’s users and make them loyal to your app. With CleverTap, you can analyze the behavior of your users and create segments so that you can communicate with them via advanced push, email or in-app notifications.
Until now, publishers with an Advanced subscription of Mobincube could use a limited version of CleverTap (their free tier). The biggest limitation was the number of campaigns (10) per month, yet there were some other limits.
But thanks to our new agreement with CleverTap, now you will enjoy their UNLIMITED PLAN FOR FREE! The regular price of Clevertap’s unlimited plan is $700/mo (for apps below 10MM events) and $3000/mo (apps above 10MM events). But, as we say in Valencia: “això ho pague jo!” (that’s on us). Thatadeal for u!
How can CleverTap help improve the performance of your app?
CleverTap tracks every time a user opens your app. It can also track any event that you define in your app (action “track”). For example, you can track every time that a user accesses a certain screen of your app.
With that information, you can create segments of users based on those events tracked and also based on some other info that is automatically recorded: location of the user, time zone, language, etc. Those segments can be as complex as you want (i.e. segment of users from USA who speak english, who haven’t opened my app in 15 days, who accessed the screen “shop”, etc.).
Then you can send push notifications to some of those segments and they will be much more effective. For example: if your app has users who speak English, French or Spanish, instead of sending a push message in English to all of your users, send 3 versions of the message, so that every use will receive the message in his own language, so the open rate will be much higher.
Can I increase the revenue of my app by using CleverTap?
The key to growing your revenue is to earn active users. Of course, it is great to gain downloads. But every single download will be much more profitable if you can engage the users, so he/she opens the app recurrently. Well, CleverTap is a must if you want to achive both goals.
Here’s some ideas (but there’s plenty more):
- Downloads: with CleverTap you can send single notifications to users based on their behavior and triggered automatically after some user event. For instance, you can tell CleverTap to send a message to every user that access your app for the third or fifth time.If they access that frequently, it is because they like your app. So in that message you could ask them for rating your app with 5 stars. If you ask everyone, you might get some bad reviews too, but if you only ask your engaged users, you’ll get a lot of good reviews, so your average score will be higher. Taking your app from 3.9 to 4.0 might look the same, but in terms of downloads, that small change brings great benefits.
- Engagement: Well, CleverTap is about engagement, so there’s many things it can do to help your app. Engaged users will open your app more and more. And that means higher revenue for you (the more app launches, the more ad impressions, and thus more revenue). You can send automatic campaigns, like reminders to open your app if users haven’t done it in 15 days. Sending notifications using the language of the users will also increase the open rate a lot. Or even make cross-promotion for your other apps. There’s a lot you can do with CleverTap.
Good, but I’m creating a professional app, and not looking to monetize it with ads. Can CleverTap help my business?
Of course!
Isn’t the reason for you to create an app for your business to make your customers loyal? With CleverTap you can send customized notifications, schedule your messages. Or… what about sending a message to your customers if they are walking by your door?