Don't you have an app while your competitors do?

I remember 10 years ago when there were quite a lot businesses that still didn’t have their own website and they started staying behind their cleverer competitors who earlier decided to make their spot in the world wide web. Should we think that it’s happening the same to those business that are not having their own mobile apps these days? My answer is YES.
I would even say that not having an app for your business will have for sure worse consequences than not having a website. Why ? Just take a look at the following chart, where you can check that the time spent in Internet is becoming higher from mobile devices than from desktop computers:

People is getting used to browse the net while they are going to work on a bus, they are in the wait list for the dentist, they are bored while their partner is in the fitting room at a store or just laying in their sofas.
Just imagine for a moment that your the owner of a Coffe Shop. When do you expect your potential customers might be willing to discover your business? When they are at home with a Nespresso machine right in the kitchen or when they are walking on the street and getting thirsty?
Let your customers discover your business when they really need it. Now it’s the right time for you to have your own app. I guess you are wondering how expensive it is. Well, it really depends on the type of app you need. If you are looking for a really specific functionality you might hire a developer company, which will charge you more than $10K. But nowadays there are great and inexpensive alternatives: the so called “App builders“, which can help any mortal to build an app quite easily at a quite affordable price. Mobincube is one of them, having more than 300,000 users all over the world. With Mobincube you are free to customize your app designs to fit your own needs using advanced features.