Join our webinars!

Two weeks ago we started our webinar series with one sole intention: let our users make the most of their Mobincube experience and create better apps. Our first webinar was addressed to our most inexperienced users and we taught them how to create their first app using basic elements. In case you missed it, here you have it:

Of course, we will keep making webinars for newbies. We get thousands of new users every week, so they deserve to be taught by our experts. Our plan is to make two webinars per month.

One monthly webinar will teach the basics and the other one will focus on some specific subjects, which will be different every month. Next week we will offer our first webinar for advanced users.

We will try to teach you how to create advanced apps with Mobincube using the database functionality. We picked this subject because we got lots of requests from our previous webinar attendees. So please, join us next week in case you want to master this powerful feature of Mobincube.